I am a retired
educator from the Toronto Catholic District School Board. I sit on the editorial board of the Science Teachers
Association of Ontario for our two e-journals, Elements and
Crucible. I also do hands-on science workshops with Scientists in School.

I have also taught
educators how to build my Canadarm at
· Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) at John Space
Center (NASA) in Houston, February, 2013 and 2014 and
· The Science Teachers Association of Ontario (STAO) annual
conference in Toronto, November, 2012 and 2013 and I will be teaching it again in November of this
The first toy in my
book is on the “Multiplication of Power” and can be found in the Nov/Dec 2013
edition of Canadian Teacher, pp 16-17.
Pneumatic Toys (ISBN
978-0-9918098-0-6) can be purchased online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble,
Chapters/Indego, STAO Store, or directly from me at Stanley R Taylor
Communications, PO Box 137, Leaskdale, ON L0C 1C0 for $25.00, which includes HST
and shipping.
Please see the
previous four posts of book reviews.
I am available to do
workshops on my pneumatically controlled Canadarm within a 250 km radius of downtown Toronto with up to 30 Grades 6, 8 and
9 educators on a mutually agreeable date. I charge $25.00 per person (minimum of
10 educators) plus mileage at 40 cents/km over 100 km, one
Stanley R